祕魯Uros floating islands of Lake Titicaca 的的喀喀湖的蘆葦船

的的喀喀湖(Lake Titicaca) 位於南美洲秘魯和玻利維亞兩國交界的科亞奧高原上,海拔3812米,平均水深140~180米,面積8330平方公里,相當於1/5個台灣,其中近60%位於秘魯,其它分布在玻利維亞,是南美洲地勢最高、面積最大的淡水湖。從地圖上看,的的喀喀湖形似一頭兇猛的豹子在追捕一隻兔子,安第斯山脈群山環繞,峰頂常年積雪,神秘的高原湖泊,湖光山色波光粼粼,湖水好似湛藍的綢緞,金光燦爛的蘆葦勾勒出浮島的輪廓,海拔3800米以上才有的清冽稀薄的空氣,更接近太陽本色的陽光,比天空更湛藍的湖水,秀麗迷人。印第安人將它奉為「聖湖」,被稱為「高原明珠」。


Bird's eye view of Lake Titicaca 空中鳥瞰的的喀喀湖

Flying over Titicaca 飛越的的喀喀湖

Lake Titicaca 的的喀喀湖

The blue sky and clear water of lake Titicaca 的的喀喀湖的藍天碧水

Lake Titicaca in the growth of the reed 的的喀喀湖中生長的蘆葦

harvesting Reed 採收蘆葦

Harvesting reeds on Lake Titicaca 的的喀喀湖中採收蘆葦

Reed floor,Actually,Life can be so simple & Environment

Woven reed floating islands 蘆葦編成的飄浮島

Artificial floating Islands over Titicaca lake

飄浮島 Floating Islands

裝置太陽能集熱器 Solar collector device

飄浮島 Floating Islands

島上的嬰兒 Island baby

Reed boat. Sustainability of the newly-built boat is estimated at 1 year

的的喀喀湖上經典的蘆葦船 Classic reed boats on Lake Titicaca

的的喀喀的湖怪獸船首 Titicaca Lake Monsters

Leopard head reed warship on lake Titicaca

Reed boat is between modes of transport between the islands

雙層蘆葦船 Double-reed boat

的的喀喀湖上的蘆葦島 Reeds islands on the lake Titicaca

蘆葦船與蘆葦房屋 Reed boats and houses.

蘆葦稈的世界 straw´s world

部落屋 Tribal houses

的的喀喀的遊湖乘客 Titicaca Commuters

歡迎觀光客到訪 Welcome to tourists visiting

The unique reed Island attract curious tourists to visit

販售紀念品是一個重要的收入來源 selling souvenirs is an important sources of income

販售紀念品 selling souvenirs

販售手工藝品 Selling handicraft

編織的掛毯描繪印加人的神祇 a woven tapestry depicting the gods of the Incas

烏盧斯的紀念品,手工藝品 Souvenirs, handicrafts Uros

婦女喜愛穿著五顏六色的衣服 Women love wearing colorful clothes

家庭生活 Family life

以古老方式磨玉米 Grinding corn wih old fashion way

的的喀喀湖的日落 Lake Titicaca sunset