[英文文法] 動詞時態以及其被動語態





例:John teaches English.

例:Mary goes to church on Sundays.

例:The earth is round.

例:When certain catalyst is added in chemical reaction the speed of reaction process will increase.

例:Are you taught Japanese at school?

例:Chinese is used by Chinese.


例:He will visit you when he comes tomorrow.

例:If it is fine tomorrow, he will come.

例:I will have my Thanksgiving Holiday spent on the home right after I complete my final exam.

例:Unless the economic in USA prosperously improves next year, all the residents will face a big financial hazard in the future.



例:It is raining now.

例:He is arriving tonight.

例:We are leaving on Thursday.

例:We are getting married in May.

例:He is dying.

例:I am going to do it tomorrow.(be going to表示意向打算,或不久後可能發生的事

例:How long are you going to stay in Taipei?(打算在台北待多久?)

例:What is Mary going to five John?(Mary打算送John什麼?)

例:It’s going to be a fine day tomorrow.(明天將會是晴天)

例:They are always quarrelling.

例:She is always wasting money.

例:I am being taught English by him.

例:I am being taken to the theater (by the Smiths) tonight.

 現在完成式:現在完成式最重要的就是有一個以現在為「ending point」的關鍵,以表達截至現在為止動作的完成;過去到現在為止的動作狀態;截至目前為止的經驗



例:I have just finished it.

例:He has had lunch. have lunch

┌例:Think (what you have done) in the past.(想想你以前做過的事)
└例:Think what you did yesterday.(想想你昨天做的事)

例:Have you read the newspaper today?

例:We have had little rain this year.

例:He has come back now.

例:Have you seen him lately?

例:He has lived here since he was born.

例:I haven’t seen her for a long time.

例:He has been ill for a week.(表示生病到現在都沒好
例:He was ill for a week.(表示過去生病,但現在好了

例:It hasn’t rained for more than a month.

例:Have you ever been in HK before?

例:Has he ever been to Japan?

例:He has gone to Japan.(他去了日本,且人在日本
例:He has been to Japan.(他曾經去過日本

例:Jose. H. Vitaro left Europe when he was in his early teens and he hasn’t seen his parents for thirty years.

例:For many decades, commercial U.S. agricultural has been beset by chronic problems.

例:Since the 1930s, anthropology has been considered more directly related to the social science.

例:We haven’t been told (what has happened).

例:Have the letters been written?

例:Are you going to see the movie to night?

例:Do you get up early?

例:Have you seen him lately?

例:All of his money has been stolen.

例:Since 1900, the government of some mid-European nations have been devoted to solving the housing problems from which people suffered.




例:How long have you been studying English?

例:Mr. Lin has been teaching in the school since 1950.

例:Is has been raining since three days ago.

例:Have they been waiting for me long?

例:What has she been doing?





例:In 1800, the forerunners of ancient Egyptian people indulged themselves in the solution of [how the pyramids impacted them].1800那一整年的動作)

例:What did you have for breakfast?


例:Do you get up at bam?
例:Did you get up at bam?

例:Did you ever meet him?

例:He often came to see me.

例:He used to take a walk in the morning.

例:The American Automobile Association was founded in 1902 to coordinate the activities of various local organizations of motorists.

例:Mrs. Davis’ only son was born two years ago.

例:The book was written in English.

例:Where they killed by him?

例:Bill and Mary were not invited to the party.




例:It was raining when we started.

例:Jammine was doing (what he had been asked to complete) when her mother returned home from work.

例:He was going out when I arrived.

例:I was reading a letter when he came in.

例:We were living in Tainan then.(那時)

例:Is was getting darker.

例:Tom told me that [they were coming before long].(不久後)

例:We were being taught English by him.

例:The car was not being driven carefully.



例:Before I graduated from N.T.U., the states was a place which I had never been to.

例:I had just finished my work then.(我那時剛完成工作

例:I was hungry because I hadn’t had breakfast.

例:When we received the letter, he had been ill for two weeks.

例:He said that he had seen it once.(他說他曾看過一次)

例:He told me that my exercise had been done very carelessly.

例:The house had been burned down when the fireman arrived.

例:They couldn’t figure out(想出來) [what had happened in the school campus] until the police arrived.




例:Before the game was over, the man had been preparing for the test for at least two hours.

例:Before I got the ticket fine from traffic police, my alert in driving had been deteriorating; however, the defeat awoke me, and my attention was better after that.






例:I shall be fifteen years old next month.

例:We shall not be able to go.

例:She will not be there.

例:I shall be punished by John.

┌例:Will all the bananas be sold abroad?
└例:Will they be invited to the party next week?
   助 主  主動



例:He will be travelling on the train this time tomorrow.

例:The theater will be getting better by then.(到那時)

例:Will he be going to the party?



例:He will have finished his work by six o'clock.

例:We shall have lived here for five years by the end of the year.

例:If I read this book once, I will have read it ten times.

例:The work will have been finished by then.(到那時)

例:Everything will have been eaten by the time we get there.


例:I'll stay here until you have finished your work.

例:When you have finished four thousand English words,you will be able to read a newspaper.


例:That book will have been read by the students already.(我想那些學生已經讀過這本書了



例:By June, we shall have been learning English for three years.

例:If it rains tomorrow, it will have been raining for a week.

例:Before the end of the semester, I will have been attending the well-known private school for one and half year; however, I am convinced that I will need to take a longer time for the completion of my study after the end of next semester.


例:Hello, I am sorry to be late. You will have been waiting for some time.
  (I suppose [that you have been waiting for me some time].)