平遙古城 Ping Yao
Pingyao ancient city
is the outstanding example
of Chinese Han nationality cities
during Ming and Qing Dynasties,
remaining all features of such periods,
Pingyao ancient city
reveals a picture of unexpected cultural,
social, economic and religious development
in Chinese history.
千年固守 |
古意盎然 |
時過境遷 |
如影隨形 |
塵外幽境 |
返璞歸真 |
故地夢遊 |
濃墨重彩 |
方矩圓規 |
古色古香 |
千年等一回 |
流芳百世 |
小鬼當家 |
相映成趣 |
異國情緣 |
回味無窮 |
走街串象 |
輕車熟路 |
車水馬龍 |
洋洋大觀 |
曾幾何時 |
觸景生情 |
魚貫而入 |
優哉游哉 |
民俗小居 |
嫁狗隨狗 |
閒情逸致 |
街巷比鄰 |
雙錢元寶 |
中西合璧 |
古城之戀 |
晝夜平分 |
夜闌深襲 |
聞名遐邇 |
1997,Ancient Pingyao City
were formally confirmed “World Culture Heritage” by UNESCO,
and was listed in World Heritage List